For Parents

Dear parents

  1. Please ensure that your ward comes to school on time and in proper school uniform that is neat and clean. Over or undersized uniform or tight and low waist trousers will not be permitted.
  2. Your ward brings the books and notebooks as per school timetable and takes care of them by keeping them neat and tidy.
  3. Read your ward's school diary regularly and ensure that (s)he does her/his) homework herslf/himself. You are requested to monitor your ward's work at home and not to pass on the responsibility to paid tutors. Our endeavor is to make the students self-reliant and teach them 'how to learn'.
  4. Please attend the PTM regularly and discuss the progress of your ward with teachers. If your child requires any remedial teaching / additional assistance, the same can be discussed and planned with teachers. Remedial classes will be conducted in school only. Teachers are not permitted to take private tuitions, and the parents should not try and approach them for the same.
  5. The Annual Curriculum Plan gives details of the syllabus and the examination / assessment schedule for the academic year.
  6. The school does not ask the students to go to a cyber cafe for any computer related work. If you do not have access to the computer / internet, the teacher will assist the child in school.
  7. You are requested to monitor your ward when (s)he accesses the internet or watches TV at home. Your guidance would be very valuable in helping your ward develop a sense of right and wrong.
  8. Spend quality time with your ward, talk to him/her about school, assignments, friends, children's / adolescent's issues etc. In these formative years and today's fast changing world your guidance will be of immense value, and help your child grow up to be a confident, self-reliant citizen. If you feel your ward is facing any problems / bias in school, please inform the school authorities immediately.
  9. Please inform the school about any change in your address or telephone number to enable the school to contact you in case of any emergency. The school also sends routine information through SMS. Keep your mobile number updated in the school records.
  10. Please ensure that your ward does not carry any prohibited items like mobile phone, smart watch, sharp edged articles, any expensive items, etc to school 
  11. In case the school arranges any field trips, written information will be provided to you in advance and your consent will be sought by the school.
  12. Please do not send lunch or any food item for your ward in the school through any unauthorised person. It will not be accepted.
  13. Unless in an emergency, no half day leave shall be granted to the students. For planned leave please send information via a written application beforehand.
  14. Expenses on dance costumes, sports rig, field trips, etc shall be borne by the parents. Information for the same will be provided to you by the school for your consent. Please do not send any money with your ward for any school expense unless written instruction / SMS is received from the school.
  15. In case your ward is suffering from any ailment / illness due to which (s)he may be unable to participate in regular school activities, please inform the class teacher as well as the Principal of the same so that adequate care may be taken.

अभिभावक कृप्या ध्यान दें

क) डायरी में गृह-कार्य व अध्यापक की टिप्पणी प्रतिदिन अवश्य देखें | यदि कोई टिप्पणी है तो हस्ताक्षर अवश्य करें तथा स्कूल में आकर प्रिंसिपल / अध्यापक से मिलें |

ख) बच्चे को अपने सामने पढ़ने तथा स्कूल द्वारा दिया हुआ गृहकार्य स्वयं करने की आदत डालें | उसे ट्यूशन पर न भेजें , यदि बच्चा अपने गृहकार्य स्वयं करने का आदि हो जाये तो वह एक अच्छा विद्यार्थी बनेगा |

ग) माता पिता से अनुरोध है कि वह अपना घर का पता / टेलीफोन नंबर हमेशा स्कूल में बता कर रखें , अगर कोई बदलाव होता है तो तुरंत लिखित में सूचना दें | यह अत्यावश्यक है जिससे की किसी भी एमरजेंसी में उनसे संपर्क किया जा सके | SMS भेजने के लिए सही टेलीफोन नंबर स्कूल में होना अनिवार्य है |

घ) अपने बच्चे को सही समय पर स्कूल भेजे तथा स्कूल की छुट्टी के तुरंत बाद ले जायें |

ड) अपने बच्चे को सदा साफ़ सुथरी यूनिफार्म पहनाकर स्कूल भेजें | मैली तथा फटी हुए यूनिफार्म से बच्चो में हीनभावना पैदा होती है |

च) अगर कोई कार्य हो तो उस दिन बच्चे को स्कूल नहीं भेजे | बच्चे को बीच में स्कूल से ले जाने के लिए मत आइये |

छ) अपने बच्चे की सुविधा के लिए किसी अनजान को न तो बच्चे को स्कूल से लेने भेजे और न ही अनजान के हाथ बच्चे का टिफिन भेजे | स्कूल उन्हें मना कर देगा |